Phil Regan Bowling Lessons presents
Better Bowling

Phil Regan
United States Bowling Congress
Silver Level Certified Coach
Member of the Professional Bowlers Association

Serving Northern California
Hey! Look What WE Did! or,
Students Struttin' Their Stuff
Bowling is a difficult sport. We have dozens of "must do" statements rattling around in our heads every time we step up on the approach: be careful to push the ball out, keep our eyes on our target, flex those knees - the list goes on. So, when we reach a goal or do something else worth mentioning - for example, a new high game or series, or a league championship - people should know. And now they will...
Here are some recent accomplishments by my students.
Josh Kaplan - 200 game (First one EVER!)
David Silberman - 221 game (Not bad for a guy who was having trouble breaking 150.)
Linda Fisher - 208 game (96 pins over her average! That's 96 pins!))
Tim Cushing - 290 game (11 consecutive strikes! 120 pins over his average! That's 12o pins!)
Melany Brandon - 585 series (More than just a good game...a good series! Well over her usual 510+/-)